Friday, May 4, 2012

Nap Time Projects: Canister Upgrade

A fun project came to mind that was inspired by Anthropologie's monogrammed mugs, which I love. (We have a set of 4 - A, M, F, L - that are in heavy rotation.  I was secretly (or not so secretly) sad that I didn't have to add a new one when the baby was born since he already shares an "A" initial with my husband, but then I thought... should I buy a "D" since we call him Drew... but that's a question for a different post. )

I love the simple B&W design from the mugs and thought I'd use that look to give our current address a shout-out in the kitchen. We have officially lived in MD longer than any other city during our married life. I've hung curtains this time. There is furniture in all of our rooms. We've made it through two, count 'em two, rounds of seasons in our house. The house to-do list has gotten shorter instead of longer. While I don't regret a single move that we've made, it's also been awesome to relax a bit knowing that we're going to be in our home for more than a mili-second. My best friend's dad once told her (jokingly) not to move near us b/c "Meghan and A.J. have their stuff on wheels".

I found this awesome shop on Etsy that makes decals. The best part is the decals are removable, so should we move one day, I can take them off without a lot of hassle. I also think the canisters would look cute with descriptive decals on them as well (flour, rice, etc.) and my decoration-ADD may get the best of me and require a design change one day.

Here's how it all went down:

The decals came with easy instructions and a good ol' handy Popsicle stick for application.

I eyeballed the position of the numbers. I was most concerned with their placement vertically. Horizontal placement didn't matter since the canisters are round. :) Once the number was positioned, I pressed the decal onto the glass working from the center out, making sure to press out as many bubbles as possible.

Slowly, you remove the paper starting from a top corner.

Ta-Da! Finished project. I love the finished look. I love that this little makeover cost $9. And I really love that I was able to do this during one of the baby's naps!

And here's what you all really came for, a random gratuitous picture of the Frank man. He's hanging in there since the baby's arrival. I sometimes think he wishes Drew would take the next train headed for Babyville, but for the most part, I think he's happy. I mean, who are we kidding, Frank still lives the life of a little puppy prince.

1 comment:

  1. FRANK!!

    I have been back a few times to see him....cracks me up everytime and always brings a smile.

    I was wondering how quickly those decals went on....thanks for the walk through.

    I am so glad you're still around ~
